Thursday, February 17, 2011

Earrings at Sangha Bean

These feathery-gals made their way down to a local coffee shop here in Revelstoke called Sangha Bean. It's a great little fairtrade organic coffee and tea house located right downtown. It is a great place for local artists to display and sell their handmade stuff. I like that Sangha Bean also does not offer disposable cups for their drinks, if one wants a coffee to go and has not brought their own cup then they are asked for a one dollar deposit for a Mason Jar. That way on their next visit on returning the jar they get their buck back. It's a great little system I'd say.

Here's a link to an article from the Revelstoke Times on the Sangha Bean:

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Timber Timbre - Until The Night Is Over

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our New Home

Well I have finally made the leap outta good ol' faithful Edmonton. On to the moist mountainous air of Revelstoke. It's fresh here and I like it.
This is our snowy abode and me and Newt down by the Columbia River.....Geez it's been quite sometime since my last blog entry. Shame on me. I promise to be better and I will.
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